“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:16 (ESV)
At EFG English Language Centre, our desire is to see the Lord’s work pursued and hence the inclusion of ministry as we teach English. There are four approaches to fulfilling God’s purposes through work.
First, we share the Gospel with unbelieving students while teaching EFL classes, and every student has a chance to hear the Gospel. Second, my degree in Theology allows me to teach the basic doctrine of the Bible using the acceptable standard known as the Westminster Shorter Catechism to young learners. Third, I lead the bible study for young adults. Last, we teach English using the Hope ESL curriculum within the biblical framework so that Christianity endorses the student’s language learning.

We also develop avenues where our Christian students can practice what they believe in. EFG organizes for them to lead praise and worship and take part in English worship service at our local Baptist church once a month. Further, I bring them to go with me in evangelism tasks, where they can teach Bible verses, songs, and dances in English as well as Burmese to the unbelievers. These activities will give them a mindset that they can participate in what the Lord is doing, whatever they are doing for their dream job in future.

Our goal at EFG is to train students with true biblical doctrine, helping them to stand firm in their faith in a world where God is often misrepresented by false teaching. We aim to give them the knowledge and conviction needed to uphold the truth of Scripture in every aspect of their lives. Through our work to education, we strive to see our students grow in their understanding of English and in their walk with Christ.